Adacmaster Communication
Client SPIDI
DoP Mario Entero
Art Director Nicolo Cunico
Post Production Charles Parker
Assistant & @marticunico
Model: Alexander Von Glasow
Sometimes you ask yourself if what you’re doing is right. …but what is right? And who says so anyway? We live in a world surrounded by rules. Behave, respect, wait your turn, not now, maybe next time. I was always told what was right and when was the right moment. But I always wanted to find my own way, to know what was around the corner. This world is wide - it’s bigger than me, it’s bigger than all of us. [smile] If it weren’t for riding, if it weren’t for this, my roots, my origins, I’d never know where to go and which direction to take. But now I know, I know what feels right. I know where I’m going and I know where I want to be. Nothing is wasted time. Every action is a new experience gained. It’s a new lesson along the road, taking you to new places. I’m moving forward. And I’m taking the long way around. It’s just me and the road ahead… #ridetrue